SDG 12: Responsible Consumption and Production

Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns.

SDG 12: Responsible Consumption and Production

By promoting sustainable and efficient use of resources, reduction of waste generation and encouraging responsible consumption patterns, Laurier is contributing to a more sustainable and responsible society.

Highlights of Progress

See some of the work that Laurier completed in 2022 to advance SDG 12.

Annual Sustainability Report

The Annual Sustainability Report is an opportunity to illustrate how Laurier’s operations and initiatives help achieve short and long-term goals in the 2018-2022 Sustainability Action Plan. By evaluating progress across the university each year, it enables the Sustainability Office and its partners to prioritize certain programs and projects.

StartUp Lab Story: That Smile Company 

When it comes to reducing the waste from everyday activities, "think global, act local" can be a powerful way to make an impact. Looking for a way to reduce the waste from daily dental care is the core of StartUp Lab venture That Smile Company. The venture is building a waste-free alternative to toothpaste packaging.

New recycling initiative at Laurier aims to divert PPE from landfills

A new collaboration among campus partners at Laurier will reduce the amount of personal protective equipment (PPE) that ends up in landfills.

Research Centres

Explore the work that Laurier research centres do to encourage responsible consumption and production.

Co-operators Centre for Business and Sustainability

The Co-operators Centre for Business and Sustainability facilitates and coordinates research related to business and environmental sustainability. The centre ensures regular communication between researchers and practitioners, including strategic decision-makers in the local sustainability community. Based at the Lazaridis School of Business and Economics at Laurier, the centre hosts seminars, conferences and roundtables to discuss relevant topics aligned with practitioner needs and assists in disseminating research findings in a timely fashion to those who can use them.

Viessmann Centre for Engagement and Research in Sustainability 

The Viessmann Centre for Engagement and Research in Sustainability (VERiS) is an interdisciplinary and community-engaged research centre striving to be a catalyst and nexus for the transition toward strong cultures of sustainability. Cultures of sustainability are grounded in principles of environmental protection, social justice and well-being, and a supportive economy. A culture of sustainability may exist within an organization, a building with multiple organizations or a community. 


Learn more about Laurier initiatives in 2022 that helped advance SDG 12.

Waste Reduction 

Laurier’s Sustainability Office works hard to implement waste reduction programs that encourage sustainable behaviours on campus. Programming is centred around the five "R's":

  • Refuse: Students are encouraged to use reusable items whenever possible. The Laurier Bookstore offers a variety of reusable products.
  • Reduce: Food Services provides Food and Drink Discounts to encourage students and staff to reduce their waste. This includes a $0.40 discount for bringing your own mug to any food vendor location and a reusable container program.
  • Reuse: Following a successful pilot in 2018, Laurier now offers a Freestore year round, full of gently used items donated by the Laurier community. All items are free.
  • Rot and Recycle: Not everything can be refused, reduced or reused, so Laurier works with Waste Management to provide organics and commingled recycling waste streams. 

Sustainability Action Plan

Laurier’s Sustainability Office prepared its Action Plan to correspond with the global vision set by the UN SDGs. Through teaching and research, Laurier will play a critical role in preparing the next generation of leaders who can contribute to the achievement of the SDGs by 2030. Universities also play a vital part in finding solutions to increasingly complex global problems and pioneering technological innovations through their own operations to set an example for others.

Learn More About Our Progress

Discover how Laurier is contributing to additional UN Sustainable Development Goals.